A number of folks have gone out of their way to support the Friends With Deficits podcast on Patreon.
A number of folks have gone out of their way to support the Friends With Deficits podcast on Patreon.
For those who have pledged $5 or more a month, this is where we humbly thank them and include them on this site:
Jake Lorfing
Lisa Marie Pinder
Matthew Sultan
Steve J. Moore
Carey Warner
Adrianna Matthews
Victoria Valdez
Paul Golding
John Roberts
Rose Saenz
Tom Benton
Bobby Hudgins
Denise Sleusoff
James Baker
Kate Howard
Sharamey Sandidge
TIffany Yanagawa
Jessica Holmes
Jinji Willingham
Rhiannon Renae
Home of the Friends With Deficits podcast here, as well as all things Adam Sultan.